Know Our Worth. Disrupt. Challenge. Transform.

Watch the Fawcett Society’s annual conference on demand – a morning of inspiring panel discussions and the chance to hear from women making history.

Follow the conversation on Twitter by searching for the #KnowOurWorth hashtag and following @fawcettsociety.

This year’s first keynote speaker is former BBC China Editor and equal pay champion Carrie Gracie. After her long battle for equal pay, Gracie chose to donate her backdated pay to the Fawcett Society earlier this year. The money will fund a legal support service to help low-income women negotiate equal pay, which Fawcett are launching this November.

Watch our panel discussion which explore themes centred around fighting for our rights, challenging traditional models of leadership, and transforming communities through local activism.

The morning panel includes trailblazers Jo Swinson MP, Catherine Mayer, Gillian Keegan MP and Julie Jaye Charles, alongside Carrie Gracie and Chair Sam Smethers.

See below for the full line-up.


Welcome from Fawcett Chief Executive, Sam Smethers

Keynote speech from Carrie Gracie, Former BBC China Editor

Panel discussion ‘Know Our Worth: get equal at work’ with panelists:

  • Sam Smethers, Chief Executive at The Fawcett Society
  • Jo Swinson MP, Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats
  • Gillian Keegan MP, Conservative MP for Chichester
  • Carrie Gracie, Former BBC China Editor
  • Julie Jaye Charles, CEO of the Equalities National Council
  • Catherine Mayer, Author and Co-Founder of the Women’s Equality Party