The number of people seeking asylum in Scotland has increased in recent years – and some of them arrive with very complex health needs. Scotland provides free access to primary and secondary healthcare to asylum seekers, no matter the status of their claim, but GP practices don’t always realise this and they don’t always know how to cope with the challenges these patients pose.

On top of this, some asylum seekers – hearing rumours from England about having to pay for healthcare upfront (this does apply to undocumented immigrants and rejected asylum seekers in England, but accepted asylum seekers are exempt) – will avoid engaging with the NHS until their health problem has become more serious.

Here Dr Helen Richardson outlines the challenges and highlights the need for training for Scottish GP services to better cope with asylum seekers and other migrants.

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Thursday 17th October 2019-De Vere Canary Wharf, No. 1 Westferry Circus, London, E14 4HD

Intersectionality: Challenges, Solutions & Resolutions

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