December 6 – International #WhatGap Day of Action

In recent months, a key focus of Diversity & Inclusion debate has been about addressing the Gender Pay Gap. Our own contributors have shown just how urgent the need is to take concerted action to close the gap. Now, one campaign is set to make significant inroads into doing just that.

#WhatGap is a grassroots campaign culminating in a day of action on December 6th. On that day, women around the country will share their experiences of asking their bosses for a pay raise, a promotion, or flexible working with the hashtags #BeUndeniable and #JustAsk.

For many women, #WhatGap admits, this is a bold plan. Some women may feel uncomfortable in asking for recognition of their achievements,  often for the first time. Nonetheless,  #WhatGap maintains that it’s only by being bold and proactive that the gender pay gap will close.

What’s more, #WhatGap has put together a toolkit on their website to help women make a plan for their action, and to teach negotiating techniques. For example, a whole host of calculators in order for women to figure out what they ought to be paid in order to reach parity with men in their profession.

Although #WhatGap is based on the actions of individuals, if every woman had the courage to ask for career advancement on par with men, it is statistically shown that everyone will benefit. Recent figures from McKinsey show that bridging the pay gap could add £150 Billion to the British Economy. In a time of economic uncertainty following Britain’s departure from the European Union, #WhatGap hopes its measures will go some way to helping the nation’s prosperity.

An earlier McKinsey study also showed that companies in the top quartile of gender diversity were 15% more likely to financially outperform those in the bottom quartile. Faced with what they say a clear case for closing the gender pay gap, #WhatGap hope that on December 6th their campaign will be “undeniable”

Find out more about #WhatGap here, and share your story with the hashtags #BeUndeniable and #JustAsk.

You can also show your support by joining the Facebook #WhatGap event here